Трудоёмкость выполненных работ в человеко-часах

Карты с часами предоставляет оператор. Если в каждой работе превышать безосновательно часы, то легче сменить mro.
Часы в этих картах чисто для справки, они MRO ни к чему не обязывают.
Есть регламент ТО изготовителя , mpd , оператор выдаёт работы с затратами в часах. MRO не обязывает , но это бизнес. Если без конца будут превышения плановых часов, то пострадает планирование рейсов. И нафиг такое mro .
Оператор берет эти часы, как правило, из MPD или SB/AD. Но в них очень много исключений, например:

Boeing SB Typical Manpower Note
G. Manpower: The first table below gives an estimate of the task-hours necessary to do the inspection given in figure 2 for each airplane. The second table below gives an estimate of the task-hours necessary to do the repair work on one side of the airplane after a crack is found with the inspection. These estimates are for direct labor only, done by an experienced crew. Adjust the estimate with operator task-hour data if necessary. The estimate does not include lost time. These are some examples of lost time:
— Time to adjust to the workplace
— Time to schedule the work
— Time to examine the work
— Time to cure the materials
— Time to make the parts
— Time to find the tools
Boeing MPD Manhours Note
MANHOURS Estimated manhours (per airplane) required to perform the task(s). These manhours do not include the time required to gain access, position workstands, defuel and purge fuel tanks, troubleshoot, nor correct discrepancies found while performing the task. The manhour estimates are based on the use of skilled personnel and ready availability of required tools and equipment. It is assumed that inspections in the same zone with a common frequency will be performed together.
In addition, the basic manhours for both the MPD and SBs do not include the following:
Printing the Task Card
Printing any AMM or SB attachment
Reading of the Task card by the Inspector / Technician
Docking the aircraft
Access door/panel removal and installation ( Usually listed separately using MPD Panel Mhrs as a basis )
Cabin equipment, lining, floor panel and insulation removal and installation, usually listed with MPD Access Panel Mhrs
(Non Panel # Access refered to as "Sxxx" access mhrs in MPD, can be very low for work to be done, esp in Cabin/Cargo )
Removal of additional items not specified in the MPD access Note or Panel list
Writing up the defects on NRC cards / SAP
Appearance related tasks (seat, galley, cabin refurbishment) are not included in the MPD Hours.
Storing and retrieving the removed panels
Cleaning the inspection area
Reporting Corrosion if required per CPCP program
Cleaning prior to CIC application
CIC application (1 or 2 stages depending on area, see CPCP note below )
Aircraft Supervisor and Area Supervisors manhours
Provision of lighting in areas such as Cabin and Cargo Holds
Additional access for SDI tasks ( ie per NDT Manual Part 2, 4, 6 )
Some tasks have no MPD manhours ( shown as "---" in MPD )
Time to plan and monitor progress on the check
Aspects of CPCP cards not specifically mentioned in the current MPD task text such as clearing drain holes.
(See CPCP task intentions below)
Getting tools from tool stores and returning them after use
Signing off the task card
Paperwork Issue, Collection, Audit, Filing, Copying, Packing for dispatch to Customer ( ie Dock Planners )

Поэтому для МРО они особой практической ценности не имеют.

Если у оператора есть своя Part-145, они могут взять часы оттуда, но у "своих" часы могут оказаться больше, чем у сторонней Part-145.