Your Homecockpit 737NG


Hello Russia,

I am Patrick from germany. I hobe this is the correctly sektion fot this thead!? If non correct, please moderator push to the correct range.

I have a Blog about my Homecockpit 737-800NG. My idear, to make a page with many pictures-,links and/ or videos from other Home-cockpit builders.

which I need am a short description of your 737NG Homecockpit, 3-4 goog pictures from it and a link ( when you have a Homepage )
then send this in an e-mail to me: [email protected]

You have no Homepage, but pictures - send me a short description with picture and/ or Video link, too

you can do also send a email direkt to my Blog, there it is then worked on and placed online under "Other Homecockpit Builders" (on the middle left side of the Blog)

DIREKT TO BLOG: [email protected]

Please send the description one time in english and ons in Russian. If you send diirekt to Blog - please insert your email-adress seperat ( if you want)

I hope for much reaction of you 8-)

My 737NG Cockpit:


-Projekt Mangenta First Officer and Captain Side
-Side-, MiddleSidewall CPT and F/O with Sterring Tiller and Map-chart light + Oxygen-light
-Lining W3 with Position light
- Yokes and Rudder-Pedalle are from a real Boeing 737-800 - ordert in Indunesia
- Stick-Shaker contold by Phridget-Relai card
- 7 PC on work
- 6 Flatscreens
- BU368x game controller
- Panels + Main-Instrumenten Panels are from Simparts - germany
- MCP + EFIS are CP-Flight

Many greads to russia from

Patrick / bavarian
Последнее редактирование:
Good morning,
thanks for the links! But so far I got only 3 Home cockpits :(
Perhaps again, a call: Pictures and a short description of your Home-Cockpit send to me! - all the same whether: Boeing 737 or airbus or only PC with mouse and keyboard SEND ME :joystick:

I will publish it then here:
Send to: 737NG-Info

