FAA check-ride. Need people who studied in the USA (SPL, PPL, CPL, ATPL)


We conduct a wide range of researches to develop the platform for DPA searching. Now we are looking for people who faced that problem during their studies in the USA.
If you can help us, please answer several questions:

1. Whats was the biggest problem in the DPA searching?
2. How did you get over it?
3. How did you choose the DPE?
4. What was the main criteria for your DPE selection?
5. How did you choose an aircraft for your check-ride?
6. What was the main criteria for your aircraft selection?

We would be really grateful for your answers and stories!
Please, write [email protected] if you are ready to speak for about 20-30mins about it

Thank you!
I’ve thought there’s already DPE search platform exists.
I remember I used one.
And I remember site with testimonials about DPEs.
Yes, that`s right. There is a list of DPE`s contacts on the FAA website. But still there are several actual problems in the searching process.
Could you remember the site with testimonials?
Yes, I’ve found. It was dperatings.com
Now it closed because of one crazy DPE. He posted fake testimonials about himself and asked to delete negative. Soon people realised it and he forced owner ( one CFII) to close website. This f*cking DPE is ex lawyer and was easy for him to scare the owner. Therefore this nice project was closed.
Yes, I’ve found. It was dperatings.com
Now it closed because of one crazy DPE. He posted fake testimonials about himself and asked to delete negative. Soon people realised it and he forced owner ( one CFII) to close website. This f*cking DPE is ex lawyer and was easy for him to scare the owner. Therefore this nice project was closed.
Thank you! That`s quite interesting and useful - we`ll try to find more information about it

Could you please tell us about your experience in DPE searching?