InFlightLife, что-то есть.
CCCP-85386 Tu-154B-2 AFL/Sasovo Fl.Sch.mfd 25dec79 rgd 19feb80; f/n SVO 21sep85; trf to AFL/Arkhangelsk 10nov90
RA-85386 Tu-154B-2 Aeroflot SVO 30aug93 trf to Arkhangelsk Airlines 22feb94; seen FRA 23dec94 with 'Arkhangelsk Airlines' badge; l/n MBA 05jan98
RA-85386 Tu-154B-2 Arkhangelsk Al BRU 06may98 small titles only; l/n DME 19sep99
RA-85386 Tu-154B-2 East Line DME 04oct99
RA-85386 Tu-154B-2 Aeroflot c/s, n/t DME 05sep00 l/n SVO 26aug02; report as Arkhangelsk Al SNN 11oct00 doubtful
RA-85386 Tu-154B-2 Arkhangelsk Al SVO 07jul04 in new c/s with large Cyrillic 'AVL' titles; Arkhangelsk Airlines was bought by Aeroflot aug04, but this aircraft retained its old livery & titles; offered for sale oct06, but could not be sold; l/n active SVO 27jun07; wfu jul07; stored at ARH without engines, seen aug07/nov07; seen ARH 25feb08 without right wing, obviously in the process of being b/u