О какой коробке речь? В нынешнем 777 FCC так и устроен - три одинаковых компьютера, в каждом по три разные платы - одна на 486 процессоре, остальные на двух разных других.
Я так понял, что Шон по-простому, на пальцах хотел что-то объяснить. На американском авиафоруме читал про претензии ЕАСА. Попробую найти.
Но все "ихи" эксперты связывают задержку с 777х с требованиями ЕАСА.
В январе 2022 это звучало так:
Regulators in Europe are challenging the safety net built in to 777X flight controls and deliveries of the 787 are expected to remain frozen until around April as U.S. regulators review production flaws, senior industry and government sources said.
"There is such nervousness among the regulators who make these decisions, who sign off on these things, that they are missing something," one senior air safety expert told Reuters.
"The reason for that is the aftermath of the
MAX crisis, opens new tab. What you now have is engineers looking at things differently than they ever had before," he said.
Initially designed and overseen by the same generation of engineers and U.S. regulators who oversaw the MAX, the upgrade to the large 777 has captured the attention of an increasingly assertive European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
EASA and Boeing are locked in a deeper than usual debate over engineering that will determine whether extra safeguards are needed for the jet's flight control system, the people said.
The European agency takes a back seat to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration in certifying U.S. airplanes but its role as the other leading global regulator gives it a powerful say.
EASA has laid out an approach that could effectively force Boeing to add an extra fallback to guarantee that a single electronic failure cannot trigger simultaneous outages - a setup known as "dissimilarity." Alternatively, Boeing could try to prove that the current system is safe through thorough analysis.
A major factor in the two MAX crashes that killed 346 people was a single point of failure embedded in the flight controls.
Although the decades-old architecture at the core of the 737 is radically different from the algorithmic brains of the 777, EASA's approach reflects the intense attention given to backups.
Boeing disagrees with EASA's indirect call for additional safeguards, arguing it would amount to having two systems provided by two separate suppliers running in parallel and risk introducing new problems by adding complexity, the people said.