Реестр Ил-76

Does anyone know what the last flight of IL-76 (01-10) 3X-GGT was? According to russianplanes.net, they said it was 2013, but I am not certain they are correct about the year, and I also want an exact date. Just let me know if anyone knows this, or can somehow find records of the jet. I am desperate for answers !!! Thanks,
Does anyone know what the last flight of IL-76 (01-10) 3X-GGT was? According to russianplanes.net, they said it was 2013, but I am not certain they are correct about the year, and I also want an exact date. Just let me know if anyone knows this, or can somehow find records of the jet. I am desperate for answers !!! Thanks,
3X-GGT Gulf Crystal Freighter Ilyushin Il-76

20 February 2012 still flying
Передан на ЛИС 476 02-03, получит регистрацию RF-78658. Интересно, что у него, и у 02-02 корма по типу 478.
Там БКО, видимо, унифицированный. А где тогда камеры обзора заправляемых самолётов? Раньше думал, что "глаза" -- это они.

https://www.aviastar-sp.ru/upload/iblock/f7f/f7f174815f12c20a3658079e6050fa03.pdf (стр. 3).


Снимок экрана 2019-10-23 в 20.55.20.png
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