URWW 171600Z 11005MPS 1200 R11/P1500U BR OVC002 M06/M06 Q1012 BECMG 0400 FZFG RMK QBB080 4 SC055
URWW 171530Z 11005MPS 0500 R11/1300U FZFG VV002 M06/M06 Q1012 NOSIG RMK QBB070 4 SC055
URWW 171500Z 12004MPS 0400 R11/1000N FZFG VV002 M05/M06 Q1013 NOSIG RMK QBB070 ~~4~ SC055
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Report emitted the day: 17, time 15:30 UTC
Thursday 17 January 2013 19:30 local time.
Wind: True direction = 110 degrees, speed: 5 m/s (10 knots) (18 Km/h).
Runway 11, length 8202 feet, altitude 430 feet: Cross Wind 1 MPS Left - Centerline Wind 5 MPS front.
Runway 29, length 8202 feet, altitude 482 feet: Cross Wind 1 MPS Right - Centerline Wind 5 MPS rear.
Minimum horizontal visibility: 500 m.
Runway 11, touchdown zone visual range is 1300 meters (4265 feet), and increasing.
Weather: Freezing (or super-cooled) Fog .
Sky is obscured -- vertical visibility : 200 feet(61 meters).
Temperature: -6 degrees Celsius (21 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: -6 degrees Celsius (21 Fahrenheit). Relative humidity 100 %. Wind Chill: -13 degrees Celsius (9 Fahrenheit).
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1012 hPa (29.88 inches).
No significant changes expected in the near future.