если ограничитель вмешивается в однозначное соответствие "движение штурвала - движение поверхности" - то считатьХотя с т.з. динамики полета это проявляться будет только вблизи ограничений. А что, неужто на Боингах и демпферов нету?
The Captain’s control wheel is connected by cables to the aileron power control
units (PCUs) through the aileron feel and centering unit. The First Officer’s
control wheel is connected by cables to the spoiler PCUs through the spoiler
mixer. The two control wheels are connected by a cable drive system which allows
actuation of both ailerons and spoilers by either control wheel. With total
hydraulic power failure the ailerons can be mechanically positioned by rotating
the pilots' control wheels. Control forces are higher due to friction and
aerodynamic loads.
Cables connect the pilots’ control columns to elevator power control units (PCUs)
which are powered by hydraulic system A and B. The elevators are interconnected
by a torque tube. With loss of hydraulic system A and B the elevators can be
mechanically positioned by forward or aft movement of the pilots’ control
columns. Control forces are higher due to friction and aerodynamic loads.
И куча всяких ограничителей и лимитаторов и имитаторов. Вот как-то так.