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Какую информацию по МКАС Боинг утаил от ФАА?
25. Subsequently, Boeing expanded MCAS’s operational scope, including the speed
range within which MCAS could activate, significantly altering its original design. Among other
things, when the airplane registered a high angle of attack, the change expanded the speed range
within which MCAS could activate from approximately Mach 0.6-0.8 to approximately Mach
0.2-0.8—that is, from only high-speed flight to nearly the entire speed range for the 737 MAX,
including low-speed flight, which generally occurs at a lower altitude and in and around takeoff
and landing. Boeing disclosed this expansion to FAA personnel, but only to those personnel who
were responsible for determining whether the 737 MAX met U.S. federal airworthiness standards.
Boeing did not disclose the expansion to the FAA AEG personnel responsible for publishing the
737 MAX FSB Report and making the training-related determination.
Boeing Advocated for the FAA AEG to Publish the 737 MAX FSB Report with No Greater than
“Level B” Differences Training
26. On or about August 16, 2016, before the FAA AEG published the 737 MAX FSB
Report, the FAA AEG issued a provisional “Level B” differences-training determination for the
737 MAX. At the time of this provisional determination, the FAA AEG was unaware that Boeing
had expanded MCAS’s operational scope.