Новости компании Boeing

Только начало :) P.Condit , самый большой начальник в В. по "собственному " уволился" :)) И война продолжается ... на его место бывший глава МД . Так сказать старый "друг" и человек разваливший МД. (гражданские программы по крайней мере). Теперь скорее всего то-же самое можно ожидать и в Б.
В Тулузе наверное ет дело до сих пор отмечают :lol: :lol:
Boeing Business Jets Name First Authorized Service Center in Middle East

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 8, 2003 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] today signed an agreement with Alsalam Aircraft Company, making the company the first authorized service center for Boeing Business Jets (BBJ) in the Middle East region. The agreement was announced during the eighth annual Dubai International Air show.

Based in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh, Alsalam will provide maintenance, repair and overhaul services as well as BBJ warranty work on behalf of Boeing.

“This new service center operates in the heart of the Arabian peninsula, which is the geographical link between the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. It expands our global access and allows us to continue meeting the needs of BBJ owners worldwide,” said Lee Monson, president of BBJ. “Alsalam is a proven provider of aircraft maintenance and technical services for large, commercial and military aircraft, and we are pleased to formalize our partnership with them.”

More than 27 percent of BBJ customers are from the Middle East region.

With the addition of Alsalam, BBJ operators can chose from three service centers in Europe and two in the United States for authorized service and warranty work. Those include: Associated Air in Dallas, Texas. DeCrane Aircraft Systems Integration Group (PATS) in Georgetown, Del.; Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg, Germany; and Jet Aviation in Basel and Geneva, Switzerland.

Boeing Business Jets is a joint venture with General Electric launched in July 1996 to respond to market demand for a larger, more capable business airplane that can fly more than 6,000 nautical miles (11,000 kilometers). There are more than 69 BBJs in service worldwide. To learn more about the BBJ, visit our Web site.
Boeing 777-300ER Increases Performance Capability

EVERETT, Wash., Dec. 9, 2003 – The Boeing [NYSE:BA] 777-300ER (Extended Range) passenger airplane’s excellent performance during flight testing has led the company to decide to offer the airplane with higher range and payload capabilities than originally planned.

Such enhanced capability for the newest 777 family member would be available for newly-delivered airplanes and as a retrofit option starting in the fourth quarter of 2004. The enhanced airplane’s maximum takeoff weight would be 775,000 pounds, or 351,534 kilograms, up from 759,600 pounds, or 344,549 kilograms. Its design range would be 7,705 nautical miles compared to 7,525 nautical miles.

“The airplane’s performance during flight testing has been nothing short of outstanding,” said Lars Andersen, program manager for Boeing 777 Longer Range airplane programs. “This new capability will add value to the 777-300ER and for our customers.”

During flight testing the airplane’s raked wing tips, a new feature on the 777-300ER, has produced 1.5 percent better fuel consumption than expected. Takeoff field length improved by 1,000 feet (305 meters), because of two other new features – semi-levered landing gear and the tail strike protection (TSP) system, as well as brake performance.

The TSP system also reduced approach speeds by two to three knots. Community noise levels are below requirements and QC2 compliant for departure.

Two 777-300ER airplanes have been in flight testing this year. The first 777-300ER will be delivered in April 2004 to International Finance Lease Corporation and its customer, Air France.

Offering airlines additional flexibility in serving the non-stop routes that passengers demand, the 777-300ER has accumulated 63 orders from eight customers worldwide.
"Боинг" делает ставку на Саудовскую Аравию

Руководство американской авиакомпании Boeing подписало соглашение с саудовской компанией "Ас-Салам" о создании первого на Ближнем Востоке центра обслуживания пассажирских самолетов "Boeing".

Официальное сообщение по этому поводу было опубликовано руководством "Ас-Салам" во время проведения ежегодного международного авиа-шоу в Дубаи.

Согласно достигнутой договоренности, десятки сотрудников "Ас-Салам" пройдут обучение в США, в Европе и в Саудовской Аравии и получат квалификацию техников по обслуживанию, ремонту и настройке оборудования самолетов "Boeing". Кроме того, "Ас-Салам" получит право на проведение гарантийных ремонтных работ.

В настоящее время во всем мире действуют 69 центров обслуживания самолетов "Boeing". Но до сих пор на арабском Ближнем Востоке таких центров не было.

Источник: веб-сервер "MIGnews.com"
Вывести Boeing из пике
Поручено человеку, который уже ушел на покой

Гарри Стоунсайфер готовился уйти на покой после 47 лет напряженной работы в авиакосмической промышленности. Он даже успел обзавестись домом во Флориде по соседству с площадкой для гольфа.

Но в конце ноября он был назначен президентом и гендиректором корпорации Boeing. Одному из крупнейших индивидуальных акционеров и члену совета директоров Boeing предстоит теперь восстановить доверие государства к компании. Последнее время оно неуклонно падает по мере того, как обнаруживаются новые свидетельства промышленного шпионажа и закулисных сделок менеджеров Boeing с чиновниками и инсайдерами.

"Наша главная цель - восстановить репутацию Boeing в глазах очень большого клиента, который называется "правительство США", - говорит Стоунсайфер, назначенный президентом в конце ноября.

Скандалы вокруг компании вынудили уйти в отставку предшественника Стоунсайфера, Филипа Кондита, с которым он проработал вместе пять лет. Отставке Кондита предшествовало увольнение двух топ-менеджеров компании.

Выпускник Технологического университета штата Теннесси Стоунсайфер начинал свою карьеру в General Electric, где проработал 27 лет. С 1994 по 1997 г. Стоунсайфер руководил McDonnell Douglas. После слияния этой компании с Boeing в 1997 г. Стоунсайфер стал вице-президентом и главным исполнительным директором объединенной компании. В этом качестве он проявил незаурядную энергию и требовательность. Он настаивал, в частности, на том, чтобы инвестиции в новые технологии соответствовали самым строгим финансовым стандартам. В 2002 г. он покинул Boeing, оставшись членом совета директоров.

Стоунсайфер, второй по величине акционер Boeing (ему принадлежат 1,74 млн акций) , возглавил корпорацию, несмотря на то что достиг пенсионного возраста, 65 лет, еще два года назад. Но в разгар празднования Дня благодарения в конце ноября Стоунсайферу пришлось снова обживать свою квартиру в Чикаго, где ему предстоит еще поработать.

У Стоунсайфера уже есть опыт кризис-менеджмента. В 1994 г. он спас от банкротства McDonnell Douglas.

Boeing, самый крупный экспортер в США, на который работают более 157 700 человек в 38 странах мира, сильно пострадала в результате терактов в сентябре 2001 г. Спрос на его главную продукцию - коммерческие самолеты - резко упал, при этом возросла конкуренция со стороны европейского Airbus.

Чтобы компенсировать потери, компания решила сделать ставку на большие оборонные предприятия, которые она купила в конце 1990-х. После этих приобретений Boeing стала лидером в производстве военной авиации и аэрокосмической области и получила крупные подряды от государства.

Летом компания преподнесла инвесторам неприятный сюрприз, объявив, что запуск коммерческих спутников принес ей убытки на $1,1 млрд. Следующим ударом стало решение командования ВВС прервать контракт Boeing на $1 млрд на запуск спутников. Военные разорвали контракт после того, как выяснилось, что при подготовке к тендеру Boeing пользовалась конфиденциальными документами своего конкурента, Lockheed Martin. Boeing пришлось уволить или наказать девять сотрудников, причем двое из них обвиняются в уголовном преступлении.

Кондит к нарушениям в компании непричастен. Так считают и он сам, и Стоунсайфер, и вновь избранный председатель совета директоров Boeing, бывший гендиректор Hewlett Packard Льюис Платт. Но бывший гендиректор долгое время пытался убедить инвесторов в том, что случаи нарушения деловой этики, выявленные в компании, единичные и были допущены в основном менеджерами низшего звена.

Так продолжалось до конца ноября, когда был уволен обвиненный в неэтичном поведении финансовый директор компании Майкл Сиэрс, которого прочили в преемники Кондита. В результате внутреннего расследования выяснилось, что Сиэрс обсуждал с бывшей высокопоставленной сотрудницей ВВС ее назначение на должность в Boeing в тот момент, когда решался вопрос о предоставлении компании военных контрактов на десятки миллиардов долларов. В Boeing считают, что переговоры Сиэрса с сотрудником ВВС никак не повлияли на отношения между компанией и правительством. Тем не менее Пентагон начал расследование готовящейся сделки по поставке государству самолетов-заправщиков на $17 млрд. Оппоненты правительства в Конгрессе, которые критиковали сделку с самого начала, теперь требуют отменить ее совсем. Остаются замороженными и аэрокосмические контракты на $1 млрд. Стоунсайфер уже назвал спасение программы по поставке заправщиков своей первоочередной задачей.

Стоунсайферу будет трудно убедить чиновников в Вашингтоне в том, что Boeing исправится. Новый руководитель компании собирается перевести переговоры с политиками в ближайшие "дни, может быть, недели".

Многие сотрудники Boeing вряд ли будут приветствовать возвращение Стоунсайфера. Некоторые проблемы компании начались именно при нем: например, менеджер Lockheed Martin, замешанный в краже документации фирмы, был нанят на работу в McDonnell Douglas, когда ее возглавлял Стоунсайфер. При нем были приобретены и некоторые аэрокосмические активы, впоследствии принесшие компании убытки.

Но еще хуже то, что Стоунсайфер настроил против себя многих сотрудников еще в прошлый раз, вскоре после прихода в компанию в 1997 г. Тогда он с ходу принялся критиковать стратегию Boeing, построенную на приверженности ее ведущих менеджеров делу своей жизни - строительству самолетов. Он заставил инженеров-романтиков больше думать о прибыли. Профсоюзные лидеры уже говорят о том, что "люди побаиваются Гарри" и что ему надо научиться уважать и стимулировать сотрудников.

Стоунсайфер снова начал с непопулярных решений: в прошлый понедельник он сократил исполнительный совет компании, в который входят руководители всех ведущих подразделений, с 29 человек до 12. Свою принципиальность он еще раз продемонстрировал незадолго до этого, проголосовав на совете директоров за увольнение Сиэрса, который был его протеже.

Очевидно, Стоунсайфер все-таки прислушивается к критике. "В прошлый раз, - говорит он, - я спрашивал сотрудников: можете ли вы хоть что-нибудь сделать правильно? Сейчас я хочу сказать: вы замечательно работаете". Но пока его стиль резко контрастирует с подходом Кондита, который умеет объединять людей и идти на компромиссы, одним из которых стала его отставка.

Да и послужной список Стоунсайфера в глазах сотрудников выглядит менее впечатляющим, чем у Кондита. Тот получил лицензию пилота в 18 лет, окончил Принстонский университет по специальности "аэрокосмический инженер" и Массачусетский технологический институт по специальности "менеджер", а после этого получил докторскую степень в инженерной области в Научном институте в Токио. Он начал работать в Boeing в 1965 г. на должности инженера по аэродинамике в отделе, занимавшемся разработкой сверхзвуковых самолетов. Кондит, который позже принимал участие в разработке Boeing 757, имеет патент на изобретение одной из модификаций гибкого крыла. В 1992 г. он стал президентом компании, в 1996 г. - гендиректором, а в 1997 г. - председателем совета директоров. Именно тогда он радикально поменял стратегию компании, поставив на производство военной техники. В этом году больше половины своей ожидаемой выручки в размере $49 млрд Boeing получит от поставок для военной авиации и космических программ.

Источник: газета "Ведомости"
The Building of an Industry
Freighters and Air Cargo Help Shape the World

by Bob Saling

The world took a healthy leap forward on Dec. 17, 1903. One hundred years hence, the Wright brothers' tremendous achievement has made the world much smaller and more interdependent than Wilbur and Orville might have imagined. Overlooked by many people in the coming months will be the contributions of "the other side" of air transport -- the movement of high-value goods that today find their way to the far corners of the world.

It would be difficult to imagine our lives today without the products available to us as a result of the air cargo industry. From the electronics and mail that keep us connected, to the fresh fruits that keep us nourished, our society is evermore dependent on the materials that travel by air.

"From its humble beginnings, air cargo is today a $46 billion business, and 40 percent of world trade value travels on-board commercial aircraft," notes Dora Kay, president of The International Air Cargo Association. "The speed and reliability of air cargo are giving global customers greater choice than ever before, helping to create successful businesses, economic growth and employment.

The business possibilities and culture we now enjoy were facilitated by the talents and innovations of the developers of the airplanes that built today's Boeing company. From the Boeing B&W and the Douglas DT/C-1 airplanes to today's 747-400 freighter, Boeing and its heritage companies have been at the forefront of air cargo from day one -- to the point that Boeing airplanes today provide 90 percent of revenue-generating capacity to freighter operators.

Mail -- The Beginning
On March 3, 1919, William Boeing (right) and pilot Eddie Hubbard performed the first U.S. international airmail flight in this Boeing Model C, a modified World War I trainer they flew from Vancouver, Canada, to Seattle.
While today, most of us think of airplanes in terms of passengers, in the very beginning, there were no passengers, only cargo.

In 1916, the B&W was the first airplane developed by Bill Boeing and his then-partner, George Westervelt, an airplane that later pioneered express and airmail deliveries in New Zealand. And in 1919, Boeing and pilot Eddie Hubbard used a Boeing Model C to carry 60 letters from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to Seattle, delivering the first international airmail.

During the same period, Douglas Aircraft developed its second airplane, the DT-1 and --2, in California, under contract with the U.S. Navy. In addition, 59 mail planes derived from the DT, including the Douglas M-2, which was one of the first aircraft to fly U.S. commercial airmail.

Boeing also produced the Model 40 mail plane in 1923 and, two years later, refurbished it as the Model 40A. In 1927, powered by a much lighter air-cooled engine, the Model 40A won the U.S. Post Office contract to deliver mail between San Francisco and Chicago.

Transition in the 1940s
"The Douglas DC-3, which made air travel popular and airline profits possible, is universally recognized as the greatest airplane of its time," notes Jim Edgar, cargo marketing director for Boeing. "As a rugged airframe, it really took air transportation and air cargo to a new level."

American Airlines was the first U.S. carrier, in 1942, to provide transcontinental air cargo service with its DC-3 Freighters.

The Douglas DC-3 was the most popular airplane in the sky. By 1939, an estimated 90 percent of worldwide passenger traffic was handled by DC-3s. It also saw extensive action as the C-47 Skytrain military transport during WWII.

The attributes of the DC-3 did not go unnoticed by one of Douglas's oldest customers -- the U.S. Army, which ordered a hybrid DC-2/DC-3, the C-39, the first serious effort by the Army to establish an airlift capability. The cargo variants of the DC-3 (including its C-47 military transport derivative) were highly capable airplanes, suitable for up to 6,000 pounds of cargo and large enough to hold a fully assembled ground vehicle. By the end of World War II, more than 10,000 had been built, and airlines kept the DC-3 operating in significant service numbers for quite a few years.

"The DC-3 made, in 1957, Lufthansa's first all-cargo flight from Germany to New York," said Jean-Peter Jansen, chairman of the Lufthansa Cargo Executive Board. "This opened a long and successful North Atlantic freight operation for us."

One of the first airplanes to fly a regularly scheduled around-the-world route was the Douglas DC-6, with its high performance, increased accommodation, greater payload and pressurized cabin. The all-cargo DC-6A entered service in 1949 and also found success as personnel carriers, transports and medical evacuation airplanes. As we entered the new millennium, the DC-6 was still flying with smaller airlines around the world.

The Jet Age

The Douglas DC-6 was one of the first airplanes to fly a regularly scheduled around-the-world route. The larger, all-cargo DC-6A first flew Sept. 29, 1949.
"Both Boeing and Douglas found success in adapting the jet engine to air transport," said Edgar. "Boeing led the way, but Douglas acted quickly and readily courted carriers who were becoming more focused on freight to generate revenue."

The first jet application in cargo airplanes was the Boeing Dash-80, which featured few windows and no seats, but with two large cargo doors. As a result, in addition to the obvious success of its offspring -- the Boeing 707 -- in bringing jet-propelled travel to the world, the airplane also found fortune as a freighter and, eventually, as the leading tanker-transport, the KC-135.

"Productivity took a giant leap forward in the early sixties," according to Pete Diefenbach, manager, U.S. Sales & Marketing for Nippon Cargo Airlines. "My first flight in a jet aircraft was in the jump seat of a newly acquired Boeing 707F enroute from Idlewild (now Kennedy) Airport in New York, to Shannon in Ireland, and London. At the time, Pan Am was replacing older DC-6A Freighters with the Boeing 707 Freighters on the North Atlantic. The 707F was 75 percent faster and carried a payload more than twice that of the DC-6A, achieving a four-fold increase in productivity. Great flight, great airplane!"

Meanwhile, its major competition was the Douglas DC-8, which was designed with a future power, payload and range increases in mind. This attribute ultimately resulted in the "stretch" DC-8 Freighter that still operates nearly 40 years after its commercial introduction.

Passenger to Freighter Conversions

As demand increased for jet-powered freighter aircraft, new cargo versions of several models were developed, including the DC-9, DC-10, 767, 757, 737 and MD-11. However, due in part to the acquisition cost of new airplanes, a number of operators instead chose to purchase passenger airplanes for modification to a freighter configuration.

The Douglas DC-8 helped inaugurate reliable jet travel to the world in the late 1950s. Although it was outsold by the Boeing 707, the Douglas team showed a particular interest in the cargo market. DC-8 cargo variants have proven to be very sturdy, with more than 150 DC-8 Freighters still in operation.
Although reliability, maintenance costs and other attributes of new airplanes attract a number of well-known operators, the cost of the pre-owned airplane, coupled with the conversion cost, provides an attractive, lower-cost alternative for many of the world's air freight carriers.

"Cargo brings additional life to airplane programs," notes Pierre Vellay, vice president, New Aircraft and Corporate Fleet Planning for Air France. "Many models, after starting life as a passenger airplane, then serving more dense tourist routes, have the capacity to be transformed into cargo aircraft for essentially a third life, bringing more value to the overall development program. Today's successful passenger airplanes will be tomorrow's successful freighters."

The Boeing 747

The 1970s brought new direction to the air cargo business. During the initial development of the Boeing 747, the prospect of a supersonic transport loomed large on the horizon. So large, in fact, that the company was not sure how long the 747 would be viable as a passenger airplane.

"To optimize its expected eventual primary role, it was decided that the design should incorporate capabilities to perform more efficiently as a freighter -- with such features as the high interior profile and nearly straight vertical walls," said Joe Sutter, senior sales counselor for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "Since the first 747 freighter entered revenue service with Lufthansa in 1972, the 747F has been a key element in an amazing 30-year expansion of air cargo capacity, introducing unprecedented efficiencies to the industry."

The Boeing 747-400ER (Extended Range) Freighter is the latest version of the 747 freighter family, providing the lowest operating cost and improving on what is already the most capable cargo transport in the industry. More than 250 747 Freighters are in operation throughout the world.
The portion of total freighter airplane capacity provided by the 747 alone (versus all other freighter airplane types) is staggering. Even today, nearly half of the world's freighter capacity is comprised of 747F models. It could be said that the 747 built the air cargo industry that we, as consumers, take for granted today.

"With the introduction of the Boeing 747, which we launched in 1972, the intercontinental air freight business got the tool that became the backbone of international trade," notes Lufthansa Cargo's Jansen. "This made the amazing globalization of the world economy possible -- for high tech industries, it is a requirement of the worldwide supply chain."

M. S. Cho, managing vice president, Planning & Coordination of Korean Air agrees. "In 1974, Korean Air became the first transpacific operator of the Boeing 747-200 dedicated freighter, helping us gain world recognition," said Cho. "This aircraft, which opened a new era of aircraft economics, was a timely fit for customer needs for mass air transportation and contributed greatly to our cargo business expansion."

The key to this success is the versatility of the 747. With the ability to carry 113 metric tons up to 9200 kilometers nonstop, the 747-400F is the only Western-built freighter that has both side and nose doors, providing its operators with additional revenue earning potential.

"The development of the 747-400 production freighter during the last decade was a very significant milestone in the freight industry," says Ram Menen, director, cargo, for Emirates, serving the Middle East. "This is a situation where speed and reliability in a time-definite market were becoming increasingly critical in moving to just-in-time or zero inventory environments."

The nose door of the 747 production freighter can accommodate long, outsize loads, which generally command a premium rate for shipment. The side door can accommodate tall, outsize items and high-cube pallets. Sutter points out that the nose and side cargo door combination provides operators with a valuable tool -- the ability to earn $4 to 6 million per year in incremental revenue per airplane.

More than 250 747 freighters are in service with nearly 40 operators carrying everything from cut flowers and fresh produce to boats, helicopters and road vehicles. This fleet includes all variants of the 747 Freighter (747-100SF, 747-200F, 747-200SF, 747-300SF and today's 747-400F and 747-400ER Freighter).

In addition, the passenger version of the 747 has had its own impact on the industry. Passenger airplane lower cargo holds, or bellies, carry a majority of the cargo that moves by air.

Geoff Bridges, chairman of Bridges Worldwide PLC, a global express consolidator, and a past president of The International Air Cargo Association, notes that the 747 passenger airplane had a "profound effect on the cargo distribution system. The 747 altered the capacity differential between what could be carried in belly holds and freighters. With a capacity exceeding 15 metric tons, the 747 passenger version could carry, by size, up to 90 percent of all cargo offered."

Last year, Boeing delivered the first 747-400ER Freighter, the latest enhancement to the product line, which features the top range, payload and speed of any freighter currently in service.

"The Boeing 747-400 Freighter greatly improved our operational efficiency, guaranteeing better profitability," notes Korean Air's Cho. "Thanks to the 747-400F, we have grown to be a world-leading cargo carrier. We now operate a fleet of 11 747-400Fs, including one 747-400ER Freighter, and hope to continue our business success with Boeing."

With the 747-400 freighter as the flagship, world airlines in 2002 earned more than 90 percent of their air cargo revenues with Boeing freighters. The Boeing Freighter Fleet Forecast, contained in its World Air Cargo Forecast and Current Market Outlook documents, indicates that world air cargo traffic levels will triple over the next 20 years and that the jet freighter fleet will double in number. In addition, the average size freighter is expected to increase.

"Air cargo is just going to increase in importance as companies work to become more efficient," predicts Boeing's Sutter. "And I think we'll continue to see the 747 as the key transport in the air cargo industry for a long time. In addition to having revolutionized the industry, its influence and presence will be with us far into the future."
PMB подтверждает закупку самолетов "Эрбас А380" для Malaysia Airlines

Компания Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad (PMB), которой принадлежит Malaysia Airlines, подписала с "Эрбас" контракт на приобретение шести пассажирских самолетов А380-800, завершив оформление заключенного в январе этого года соответствующего соглашения.

Первые поставки самолетов заказчику запланированы в 2007 году. Malaysia Airlines планирует эксплуатировать А380 на своих главных маршрутах с большими пассажиропотоками в Европу и в пределах Азиатско-тихоокеанского региона. Благодаря контракту с PMB, общее число твердых заказов, полученных "Эрбас" на постройку самолетов А380 от 11 компаний, достигло 129 единиц.

Спроектированный по новейшим и самым жестким сертификационным требованиям 555-местный А380 воплотит в себе наиболее передовые технологии. Его эксплуатационные расходы будут на 15-20% ниже, чем у эксплуатируемого сегодня самолета наибольшей вместимости, при этом А380 будет обладать на 10-15% большей дальностью полета.

Глава PMB Гумури Хуссейн (Gumuri Hussain) сказал: "Мы чрезвычайно рады, что нам удалось завершить эту важную сделку, реализация которой, по нашему мнению, укрепит благосостояние PMB, Malaysia Airlines и всего нашего государства на продолжительный период. Это событие также является очередным свидетельством сотрудничества Малайзии и "Эрбас", которое продолжается уже два десятилетия. Мы уверены, что А380 станут ключевой составляющей нашего самолетного парка".

Руководитель Malaysia Airlines Эмд Нор Юсоф (Md Nor Yusof) сказал: "Мы ждем поступления наших А380-800 в эксплуатацию, потому что освоение этих самолетов позволит нам поддерживать репутацию перевозчика мирового класса. Использование этой отменной авиатехники предоставит нам возможность увеличить провозные мощности на действующих маршрутах, максимально расширить присутствие на главных рынках перевозок и ускорить реализацию плана дальнейшего расширения сети маршрутов".

Президент "Эрбас" Ноэль Форжар (Noel Forgeard) сказал: "Мы искренне тронуты тем, что Malaysia Airlines выразила уверенность в перспективности "Эрбас А380" в столь непростой период для мировой авиационной отрасли. Я уверен, что этому самолету будет принадлежать центральная роль в дальнейшем развитии Malaysia Airlines. Этот заказ также является очередным свидетельством того, что А380 является нужным самолетом, который своевременно поступит в эксплуатацию с тем, чтобы удовлетворить потребности авиакомпаний и способствовать дальнейшему развитию индустрии авиаперевозок".

Активная деятельность "Эрбас" в Малайзии началась в 1978 году, когда Malaysia Airlines разместила свой первый заказ на самолеты А300В4, став одним из ранних заказчиков "Эрбас". В настоящее время она эксплуатирует 12 самолетов А330. В октябре 2002 года "Эрбас" еще более укрепил сотрудничество с Малайзией, подписав соглашение с компанией Composites Technology Research Malaysia, которая была определена важным поставщиком комплектующих для изготовления крыльев А380. Согласно ранее заключенным соглашениям эта компания вовлечена в изготовление комплектующих из композиционных материалов для программ производства А300 и самолетов семейства А320. Первый комплект деталей крыла А380 она поставила в "Эрбас" в октябре этого года.

"Эрбас", штаб-квартира которого находится в Тулузе, выпускает универсальное семейство самых современных магистральных гражданских самолетов и является ведущей авиастроительной фирмой. Он представляет собой транснациональную компанию, в которую входят конструкторские и производственные центры, расположенные во Франции, Германии, Великобритании и Испании, а также ее собственные дочерние компании в США, Китае и Японии. Акционерами "Эрбас" являются Европейский аэрокосмический и оборонный концерн EADS и фирма BAE SYSTEMS.

Источник: компания "Airbus"
Boeing Reports Quarterly Dividend

CHICAGO, Dec.15, 2003 – Boeing President and Chief Executive Officer Harry Stonecipher reported that a quarterly dividend of 17 cents per share was declared by the Board of Directors at its meeting today. The dividend is payable March 5, 2004, to shareholders of record at the close of business on February 13, 2004.
Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner Approved for Offer to Airlines

SEATTLE, Dec. 16, 2003 -- The Boeing [NYSE: BA] Board of Directors has given the company's Commercial Airplanes unit the go-ahead to begin offering for sale the new 7E7 Dreamliner passenger airplane.

Boeing can now make sales proposals to airlines around the world. The company expects those sales proposals to result in firm customer commitments and a production go-ahead, or formal launch, in 2004.

"The board's decision validates the 7E7's compelling business case and the tremendous customer interest in this airplane," Boeing President and Chief Executive Officer Harry Stonecipher told more than 3,000 7E7 team members gathered today at Seattle's Washington State Convention and Trade Center. "The 7E7 is a game changer and we're anxious to begin offering it to our airline customers."

Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and Chief Executive Officer Alan Mulally, and 7E7 Senior Vice President Mike Bair presented the 7E7 business case to the board of directors at a meeting in Chicago yesterday.

"Savor this moment," Mulally told the 7E7 team. "This is a great way to start the second century of powered flight. It demonstrates our commitment to our customers, our employees and our industry, and it will ensure that Boeing continues its leadership in commercial aviation."

Tomorrow is the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers flight that made modern aviation possible.

Boeing today also announced that Everett, Wash., has been selected as the final assembly location for the 7E7, following a six-month evaluation of proposals from sites across the United States.

Boeing and McCallum Sweeney Consulting, Inc. evaluated the proposals against criteria designed to find the final-assembly location that would best support the 7E7 business plan.

"We are excited to continue our partnership with the state of Washington and the city of Everett on the 7E7," said Bair. "Many states submitted extremely competitive proposals and many factors weighed into the decision. But it's clear that the best overall solution for Boeing and the 7E7 is to place final assembly in Everett."

Boeing announced last month that the 7E7 program management and design integration teams will also be based in Everett. The company expects to announce airplane systems and engine partners for the 7E7 in 2004.

Boeing has been working with more than 50 airlines around the world to define the requirements for the 7E7. The 7E7 family of airplanes will carry 200 to 250 passengers on flights up to 8,300 nautical miles. Three models of the airplane are in development, including a short-range version for flights of 3,500 nautical miles with 300 passengers in two-class seating. The 7E7 will be more efficient, quieter and have lower emissions than other airplanes while offering passengers greater comfort and the convenience of direct, non-stop flights between more cities around the world.

"The 7E7 is all about taking passengers where they want to go, when they want to go there more comfortably and affordably than ever before," said Mulally. "At the same time, it will provide airlines with unprecedented operating economics and efficiencies. This airplane will allow us to continue to set the standard for commercial aviation in the second century of flight."

Boeing forecasts a need for between 2,000 and 3,000 airplanes in the 7E7's market segment over the next 20 years.
Агентство Moody"s снижает долгосрочный и краткосрочный кредитный рейтинг Boeing
В среду международное рейтинговое агентство Moody"s Investors Service объявило о снижении долгосрочного кредитного рейтинга аэрокосмической корпорации Boeing Co. (BA) с А2 до А3, а также о снижении краткосрочного кредитного рейтинга с Prime-1 до Prime-2. При этом агентство подтвердило долгосрочный и краткосрочный кредитный рейтинг Boeing Capital Corporation на уровне соответственно А3 и Prime-2. Рейтинговый прогноз "стабильный". Аналитики Moody"s объясняют снижение рейтинга продолжающимся давлением на спрос на пассажирские самолеты, а также ожидаемым низким уровнем продаж пассажирских самолетов Boeing в ближайшие несколько лет. Согласно их прогнозам, стабилизация на рынке пассажирских самолетов будет постепенной, что обусловлено слабым финансовым состоянием авиакомпаний (в особенности ведущих американских авиаперевозчиков), которым потребуется определенное время для усиления своих балансов, прежде чем они смогут себе позволить начать более активные закупки воздушных судов. Аналитиков также беспокоит возможность дальнейшего сокращения рыночной доли Boeing и увеличения влияния Airbus на мировом рынке пассажирских самолетов. Еще одним источником для беспокойства, по их мнению, являются расследования в отношении оборонного бизнеса компании и недавние изменения среди топ-менеджмента Boeing.

Источник: веб-сервер "K2Kapital"
First Boeing Next-Generation 737 to Dress Up in Star Alliance Fashion
Dec. 18, 2003
A Boeing 737-800 jetliner belonging to Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) has become the first Boeing Next-Generation 737 ever to be painted in the livery of the Star Alliance. Boeing [NYSE: BA] delivers the new airplane to SAS this month. SAS, the Stockholm, Sweden-based carrier, is a founding member of Star Alliance, the world's largest global airline alliance. Besides SAS, other Star Alliance members are Austrian Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Spanair, Lufthansa, BMI British Midland, United Airlines, Air New Zealand, Singapore Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Asiana, Mexicana, Air Canada, Varig and Thai. The Boeing 737 is the best selling jetliner of all time.
Boeing Releases Independent Reviews of Company Ethics Program

CHICAGO, Dec. 18, 2003 – The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today released the first phase of a report prepared by a team led by former Senator Warren Rudman of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, LLP, examining the company’s ethics program and its rules and procedures for the treatment of competitors’ proprietary information. The Boeing board of directors initiated this exam by the independent team last July.

On Nov. 24, the Boeing board asked Senator Rudman to conduct an additional review to examine the company’s procedures and practices on hiring government employees. The company anticipates this review will be completed in the first quarter of 2004.

“In our review, we concluded that Boeing has gone to great lengths to establish, maintain and continually improve upon an ethics program that is impressive in its scope and detail,” Senator Rudman said. “We do not believe that any of the alleged ethics breaches involving competitors’ proprietary information represent either fundamental flaws or a systemic failure. Clearly, however, there are areas requiring improvement and our recommendations address these with the objective of strengthening the entire program.” (An executive summary and the full text of the report can be found on the Boeing Web site.)

Also today, Boeing released the executive summary of a separate review conducted by the Ethical Leadership Group of Wilmette, Ill. That report was also conducted independently to assess the structure of the company's ethics program, with emphasis on communications, training, integration and corporate culture. An executive summary is available on the Boeing Web site and questions regarding the text of the report should be directed to ELG.

The reports are structured around key findings that describe areas for improvement in company programs. These improvement areas fall into several categories: structure of the ethics program; senior leadership engagement; line management leadership; training; upward communication; and assessment and monitoring. The Rudman report details 16 recommendations, which Boeing Chairman Lew Platt said the company intends to address quickly and comprehensively.

“The Boeing board and management understand that ethics is a zero-tolerance issue for this company and that we must earn the trust of our customers every day,” Platt said. “While we are gratified that our commitment to excellence in these areas came through, we are implementing all of these recommendations – as well as initiating additional steps – so that we can achieve an even higher standard.”

Platt noted that the company’s recently established Office of Internal Governance exceeds the scope of the report’s recommendations by establishing a broad new function – with a direct reporting relationship to the president and CEO. The new office combines direct oversight of ethics, internal audit, import-export compliance, and foreign sales consultants, with independent assessments of internal controls and governance requirements.

“These recommendations are intended to augment Boeing’s existing programs and procedures and, in fact, we recognize that the company has already taken action to address certain weaknesses that we identified,” said Senator Rudman. “The board and management of Boeing have been completely open to our findings and fully cooperative in our review process. We are confident they will find effective ways to implement these recommendations and give them strength and prominence throughout the organization,” he added.

"Based on our meetings with more than 1,000 Boeing employees and 10 years doing solely ethics and compliance consulting, we found Boeing's ethics program to be well above average," said Steve Priest, president of Ethical Leadership Group. "More importantly, we note that Boeing's culture supports ethical, responsible behavior. Perhaps Boeing's biggest issue – shared with many of America's largest firms – is that many employees believe open and candid communications are not encouraged. Releasing the results of both assessments is a strong signal of Boeing's commitment to create a candid, open, world-class culture."

Senator Rudman is of counsel in the Washington, D.C., office of the law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, LLP. He is a former U.S. Senator from New Hampshire and Chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee. Most recently he was a member of the Conference Board’s Commission on Public Trust and Private Enterprise, which recommended significant reforms related to corporate governance, business ethics, and auditing and accounting issues. He is a director of the Chubb Corporation, Allied Waste, Boston Scientific, Collins & Aikman and the Raytheon Company.

Ethical Leadership Group is a leading business ethics consulting firm. Founded in 1993 by Steve Priest, ELG has consulted with 20 percent of the Fortune 200 and has worked to encourage ethical leadership in some 20 countries. ELG is retained by boards, executives and ethics officers to assess or strengthen a corporation’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and compliance. Priest also directs the Conference Board’s Business Ethics Conference.
Wright Bros. Remembered at Boeing Southwest Airline Delivery
Dec. 18, 2003

Acknowledging the historic debt modern-day airlines owe the pioneers of flight, Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Southwest Airlines representatives signed documents for delivery of a new 737-700 at the precise centennial moment - 10:35 a.m. Dec. 17 - of the Wright Bros. inaugural flight. The Next-Generation 737 was the 145th 737-700 received by Southwest Airlines.
Пентагон может потребовать с "Боинга" 500 миллионо

Пентагон может потребовать с "Боинга" 500 миллионов долларов
Федеральная прокуратура планирует взыскать с корпорации "Боинг" ущерб, который был нанесен государству в результате махинаций при получении подряда на строительство ракетоносителей, сообщает CNN. Летом этого года действие контракта, стоимость которого оценивается в 1 миллиард долларов, было приостановлено, и заказ был передан компании "Локхид-Мартин", так как выяснилось, что "Боинг" выиграл тендер, воспользовавшись конфиденциальными документами своего конкурента.
По информации источников в Пентагоне, оборонное ведомство подало гражданский иск, в котором требует возместить непосредственные убытки, связанные с передачей подряда другой компании. Размер ущерба оценивается в 170 миллионов долларов, но по существующему в США законодательству правительство может потребовать возмещения убытков в троекратном размере, что составит более 500 миллионов долларов. Помимо этого, против "Боинга", возбуждено уголовное преследование по обвинению в экономическом шпионаже против своего конкурента.

Это уже не первый случай, когда авиакосмической корпорации предъявляют обвинения в недобросовестной конкуренции. Газета "Ведомости" напоминает, что ранее в этом году разразился еще один громкий скандал, когда выяснилось, что руководство "Боинга" получало инсайдерскую информацию от сотрудницы Пентагона, которая затем перешла на работу в компанию. В результате 1 декабря в отставку подал гендиректор "Боинга" Филип Кондит.

Еще одна неприятность для корпорации - понижения кредитного рейтинга агентством Мооdy's, что связывают с падением спроса на самолеты американского авиастроительного гиганта. "Боинг" проигрывает все большую долю рынка своему европейскому конкуренту, консорциуму Airbus. Тем не менее, аналитики не видят причин для серьезного беспокойства за будущее компании, так как на подходе новая модель "Боинг- 7Е7", которой пророчат блестящее будущее. Поэтому паники среди инвесторов не наблюдается, и за последний месяц котировки акций Боинга" на Нью-йоркской фондовой бирже выросли на 1,7 процента.
China Aviation Industry and Boeing Join Forces to Promote Higher Education

BEIJING, Dec. 19, 2003 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that it is joining forces with Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and Chinese airlines in the sponsorship of more than 200 CAAC and airline personnel in pursuit of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degrees.

Inductions of the first MBA candidates started in early 2003 and will continue for the next five years. The sponsorships will provide tuition and textbooks fees. City University, CIBT School of Business and Beijing University of Technology will cooperate to deliver this Boeing sponsored MBA program.

"Continuing education has always been a high priority at The Boeing Company," said David Wang, president of Boeing China, at the opening ceremony of the MBA program. "We are honored that CAAC and the Chinese airlines have once again partnered with Boeing in their management education program."

Candidates, who must be nominated and approved through the selection processes of their respective organizations, will engage in two-year curricula jointly offered by City University and CIBT while concurrently pursuing their careers. Instructors from the United States will teach business administration courses in English, emulating City University's education system in Europe and the United States. Additionally, candidates will be able to specialize in selected fields such as finance, marketing, economics, and project management.

"Considering China's status as the world's fastest growing aviation market, Chinese aviation authorities and airline management will be faced with great opportunities and challenges," said Rob Laird, vice president of China Sales – Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "Graduates of this management education program will be better prepared to create a world-class air travel system and aviation industry in China."

Since 1993, Boeing has trained more than 23,000 Chinese aviation professionals and assisted China in improving its air traffic management (ATM) system and in training air traffic controllers. Additionally, Boeing recently hosted a number of management courses at the renowned Boeing Leadership Center in St. Louis, Missouri, for its Chinese partners.

Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and the United States' leading exporter with revenues of $54.1 billion in 2002. Boeing has an extensive global reach with customers in 145 countries and worldwide employment of more than 157,000.

About City University

City University headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, is accredited by the Commission on Colleges & Universities of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges in the U.S. and approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The University's progressive approach to education has fueled its growth from a small, private, nonprofit college with a single campus into one of the largest private institutions of higher learning on the West coast of the United States.

About CIBT

Founded in 1994, CIBT School of Business, a subsidiary of Capital Alliance Group Inc. (TSX-V: CPT), is a recognized business school in Beijing, China. CIBT operates three campuses in Beijing and three learning centers in two other provinces. CIBT has an academic partnership with Beijing University of Technology and delivers post-secondary business and technology education to students and corporations in China. By cooperating with leading education providers in North America, Europe and Asia, CIBT continually offers advanced curricula to meet the needs of China's growing economy.
Boeing 777-300ER Completes Extended Operations Flight Testing

SEATTLE, Dec. 22, 2003 -- The Boeing [NYSE:BA] 777-300ER passenger airplane has completed its Extended Operations (ETOPS) certification tests, demonstrating the superior reliability of the airplane and its two General Electric engines.

Two 777-300ER (extended range) airplanes made 38 flights totaling 267 flight hours during testing. The flights included various system checks and simulated malfunctions to ensure the airplane's systems work in the long-range environment.

"The ETOPS flight-test program exceeded our expectations," said Don Ruhmann, senior engineering manager for the 777 ETOPS program. "The comprehensive testing again showed how safe and reliable today's jet engines are, and how airplanes can fly safely for long periods of time, if necessary, on one engine."

ETOPS is a conservative, evolutionary program that allows airlines to fly twin-engine jetliners on routes that at some point take those planes more than 60 minutes flying time from the nearest airport.

During eight separate tests one of the 777-300ER's two GE90-115B engines was turned off so the airplane flew on just one engine. The longest such test lasted six hours, 29 minutes – the longest engine-out demonstration flight ever in support of ETOPS certification.

The ETOPS testing also demonstrated the 777-300ER's tremendous range capability. The longest flight, between Sydney, Australia and Recife, Brazil, lasted 18 hours and 25 minutes. Other stops included Longyearbyen, Norway; Yakutsk, Novosibirsk, and Petropavlosk, Russia; Easter Island, Chile; and Keflavik, Iceland.

U.S. and European regulatory certification of the 777-300ER is scheduled for March. The first 777-300ER will be delivered in April to International Finance Lease Corp.'s customer, Air France.
Boeing, Korean Air Lines Finalize Order for Nine 777-200ERs

SEATTLE, Dec. 22, 2003 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today confirmed that Korean Air Lines (KAL) -- the national carrier of South Korea -- signed a definitive agreement to purchase nine Boeing 777-200ER (Extended Range) jetliners. This order is worth approximately $1.5 billion based on average listed price.

This agreement brings Boeing Commercial Airplanes' 2003 order total to 234 airplanes and doubles KAL's existing fleet of 777-200ER airplanes. Delivery of the airplanes, to be powered by Pratt & Whitney PW4090 engines, will begin in 2005.

"Korean Air's decision to enhance its fleet with the 777-200ER demonstrates the airline's foresight and leadership in the aviation industry," said Larry Dickenson, senior vice president -- Sales, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "The world economy is gaining momentum and, as the travel industry rebounds, passengers want to fly to their destinations in the shortest time and with utmost comfort. With the 777-200ER, Korean Air will provide these amenities to its passengers, while reducing operating costs."

The 777-200ER seats up to 301 passengers in a spacious three-class configuration and can fly non-stop from Seoul to the Americas and Europe, as well as throughout Asia. In addition, the 777 family is the most technologically advanced airplane in the industry with unmatched economics.

Korean Air has operated 777s since 1997. In addition to the nine 777-200ERs it already has, the airline operates four 777-300s. Next year, Korean Air will use 777s to inaugurate new nonstop service from Seoul to Seattle.

Korean Air -- a member of the SkyTeam Airline Alliance -- flies to 84 cities in 29 countries. With a fleet of 119 airplanes -- 100 passengers and 19 freighters -- Korean Air is one Asia's largest airlines.
NASA Awards Boeing Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter Contract Extension

CHICAGO, Dec. 23, 2003 – NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has extended a contract to a Boeing-led [NYSE: BA] team to study development of a deep space exploration vehicle for the proposed Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) mission, scheduled to launch no earlier than 2011.

JIMO could be the first space science mission in NASA's Project Prometheus, the Nuclear Systems Program, part of the space agency’s initiative to develop space nuclear power and electric propulsion technologies with the potential to revolutionize space exploration.
The space agency exercised an option, through July 2004, to provide an additional $5 million for further conceptual design activities. NASA had previously awarded Boeing and two other contractor teams $6 million for trade studies that ran through fall 2003.

The Boeing Phantom Works-led engineering team that includes Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. and BWX Technologies Inc., is studying technology options for the reactor, power conversion, electric propulsion and other subsystems of the JIMO spacecraft meant to explore the Jovian moons Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. NASA plans to select an industry prime contractor in fall 2004 to work with JPL to develop, launch and operate the spacecraft.

" We've been examining numerous combinations of technologies suitable for the JIMO spacecraft,” said Dr. Joe Mills, Boeing JIMO vice president and program manager. "Before JIMO can be developed, we will find the best way to design and build a spacecraft that is safe to operate and capable of a long-duration mission to the Jovian moons."

The Boeing study team is supporting JPL in nuclear space power technologies and in integrating the knowledge with JPL's experience in high-power spacecraft systems and electric propulsion. These modern developments can bring the outer solar system within reach of more routine and in-depth scientific investigation.

The Boeing Company, with headquarters in Chicago, is the leading aerospace company in the world and the United States' leading exporter. The company has an extensive global reach, including customers in 145 countries, employees in more than 70 countries and operations in 38 U.S. states as well as Canada and Australia.
Boeing Capital to Explore Options for Commercial Finance Unit; Will Consolidate Infrastructure

SEATTLE, Jan. 15, 2004 – Boeing Capital Corporation announced today that it has retained Credit Suisse First Boston, LLC to explore strategic options for the future of Boeing Capital’s Commercial Financial Services group.

Boeing Capital also announced that it will move most of its operations that are currently located in Long Beach, Calif. to its headquarters in Renton, Wash.

“Late last year we began refocusing our strategic direction toward supporting the operations of Boeing’s business units,” said Boeing Capital President Walt Skowronski. “While the commercial finance business has been a solid contributor to Boeing Capital’s success, it is not at the core of our strategic focus going forward. As a result, we are exploring opportunities to maximize its value for all of our stakeholders.”

Skowronski said that there is no fixed timetable for determining the future of Commercial Financial Services. “The timing will be dictated by what is the best outcome for our customers, our bondholders and our employees, and for Boeing shareholders.”

The options being examined include the sale of the operation itself, sale of all or part of the commercial finance portfolio, or a phased “wind-down” of the existing portfolio.

The Commercial Financial Services portfolio as of Sept. 30, 2003 was US$2.3 billion, or approximately 19 percent of Boeing Capital’s US$12.2 billion portfolio.

Boeing Capital also announced that it intends to relocate most of its operations currently in Long Beach, Calif. to its headquarters in Renton, Wash. Skowronski said the company’s infrastructure is being consolidated in Renton to reduce cost, increase efficiency and improve productivity. Approximately 90 employees in the company’s support organizations will be affected. The move is expected to be complete by September 2004.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company, Boeing Capital Corporation has a US$12.2 billion portfolio. Approximately 80 percent of the portfolio is in its Aircraft Financial Services group, which arranges, structures and provides financing both to buy and lease Boeing commercial aircraft. In addition, Boeing Capital’s Space and Defense Financial Services group has helped Boeing customers in financing satellites, launch vehicles and military aircraft.

Boeing is the world’s leading aerospace company, with 2002 revenues of US$54 billion and more than 150,000 employees worldwide.
Fast-Growing Ryanair Adds Two More Boeing 737-800s to the Fleet

SEATTLE, Jan. 15, 2004 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA) today announced that European low-fare carrier Ryanair ordered two more Boeing Next-Generation 737-800 jetliners for its burgeoning fleet. Although announced today, the two orders were included in the 2003 Boeing Commercial Airplanes order book.

The Dublin-based carrier, considered to be the fastest growing airline in Europe, already operates 69 Boeing 737s, carrying passengers on 146 routes in 16 European countries. Based on the successful Southwest Airlines low-fare carrier model, profitable Ryanair flies only 737s.

"We savor our reputation as Europe's number one low-fares on-time airline," said Michael O'Leary, Ryanair chief executive. "The reliability of the Boeing 737 has been a critical factor in maintaining that record and getting our passengers where they want to go on time and at the lowest fares."

O'Leary said Ryanair also appreciates the 737-800's low operating costs.

The 737-800 is one of four Boeing Next-Generation 737 models. These digitally designed 737s are the newest, most technologically advanced airplanes in the single-aisle market. Outfitted with a new wing and more powerful engines, the new 737s can fly higher, faster and farther than previous models.

In addition, the new 737 flight deck features the latest liquid crystal flat panel displays and is designed to accommodate new communications and flight management capabilities.