Ну тогда вращение собсно не принципиально. В трансзвуковой зоне, подчеркну, что она дозвуковая, местные скачки возникнут естественным образом. Волновой кризис одним словом.
Это как?
Вообщем, вы пытаетесь подогнать в ситуацию идею вопреки законам физики.
Я пытаюсь понять, как будет происходить обтекание при нулевой скорости невозмущенного потока, при св/звуковой на поверхности.
The flow-field patterns near a spinning cylinder at near-free-molecule (Kn,D = 3.18) and near-continuum (Kn,D
= 0.032) flow regimes were studied by Riabov [11, 12] for flows of argon. The contours of constant Mach numbers
near a spinning cylinder in the flow of nitrogen at various Knudsen numbers, M¥ = 0.15, and W = 6 are shown in
Fig. 4a (Kn,D = 3.18) and Fig. 4b (Kn,D = 0.032). The character of the flow is absolutely different in these cases.
The zone of circulating flow is much wider in continuum-flow regime, and its width is comparable with the radius
of a cylinder (see Fig. 4b). In the near-free-molecule flow regime, the asymmetry of the flow in upper and bottom
regions is significant. The major disturbances of the flow parameters are concentrated in the vicinity of the spinning
surface (see Fig. 4a). In the opposite case of near-continuum flow regime, the spinning effect changes significantly
the flow pattern in the area far from the surface (see Fig. 4b). These differences in flow patterns dominate the
character of molecule-surface interactions.