Вроде на это не жаловались. В любом случае, результат один...дело возможно не только в нехватке аэродинамической силе руля высоты, а еще в том, что система загрузки штурвала может физически не дать его отклонить полностью
Капитан нажимал кнопку на штурвале, возвращая стаб на местоКогда капитан обратил внимание на чек-лист по убеганию стаба, и обратил ли вообще. И что он делал до этого.
While the aircraft control was being transferred by the Captain to the FO, the right altimeter indicated 5,900 feet, the pitch trim was 5.4 units. A few seconds later the MCAS activated for 8 seconds and the pitch trim changed from 5.4 to 3.4 units. The FO commented on abnormality of the aircraft control but did not clearly specify the abnormality. The FO commanded Aircraft Nose Up (ANU) trim and the pitch trim changed to 3.6 unit.
The pitch trim continued decreasing as the following activations of MCAS were not countered by the FO sufficiently trimming the aircraft nose up. The control column force increased up to 103 lbs (46 kg) while the aircraft still descended which indicated that the force exerted was insufficient to maintain aircraft altitude. During the repetitive MCAS activations, the Captain managed to control the aircraft altitude when the pitch trim was maintained above 5 units by commanding the ANU pitch trim to counter the MCAS trim down. The FO was unable to control the aircraft as the repetitive MCAS activations were not countered by adequate trim up input. The common flight crew reaction to a heavy control column is by providing adequate trim. This suggests that while the Captain’s training or experience enabled him to recognize the need for sustained nose up trim, the FO’s training and experience did not.
This condition was also in agreement with the FO’s training records that showed several comments indicating that the FO had difficulty in aircraft handling. The Lion Air policy for such deficiencies was that the flight crew would be treated with additional briefings or rehearsal. The reappearance of difficulty in aircraft handling indicated that the treatment was not effective.
The pitch trim continued decreasing as the following activations of MCAS were not countered by the FO sufficiently trimming the aircraft nose up. The control column force increased up to 103 lbs (46 kg) while the aircraft still descended which indicated that the force exerted was insufficient to maintain aircraft altitude. During the repetitive MCAS activations, the Captain managed to control the aircraft altitude when the pitch trim was maintained above 5 units by commanding the ANU pitch trim to counter the MCAS trim down. The FO was unable to control the aircraft as the repetitive MCAS activations were not countered by adequate trim up input. The common flight crew reaction to a heavy control column is by providing adequate trim. This suggests that while the Captain’s training or experience enabled him to recognize the need for sustained nose up trim, the FO’s training and experience did not.
This condition was also in agreement with the FO’s training records that showed several comments indicating that the FO had difficulty in aircraft handling. The Lion Air policy for such deficiencies was that the flight crew would be treated with additional briefings or rehearsal. The reappearance of difficulty in aircraft handling indicated that the treatment was not effective.