не вся промышленность доживет до таких щадящих цен.
Пока, из того что я слышал, евро-производители удобрений при цене спот-газа сильно выше $1,000/tcm закрылись, сейчас с её приближением к этой границе потихоньку открываются снова. Чистая промка типа авто и их подрядчиков и поставщиков, сидит на газе, она может эти цены компенсировать, заряжают в цену компонент и авто издержки. Так как могут.
Теплогенерация которая могла, перешла на уголь местный и привозной по максимуму, это дешевле. Электрогенерация которая могла перешла также на уголь. Когенерация в Скандинавии и Балтии, где есть отходы деревообработки, снова-таки сидит на них, это тоже дешевле газа сейчас. Когенерация газовая в Балтии, которая ещё не переползла на щепу и мусор, перескакивает даже на мазут, это тоже дешевле газа сейчас. Короче удар по популярности газа от таких цен очень сильный.
Бизнес и граждане, те у кого поставлены газовые котлы, потребляют на отопление и горячее водоснабжение дорогой газ, у них выбора мало. Они тоже задумались об альтернативе, у частников в одноквартирном это тепловой насос, а у бизнеса и нет особой.
Что по ценам, в Японии газ в виде LNG сейчас примерно в два раза дороже обычного, в среднем на уровне $70/МВт-ч, спотовый небольшими партиями до $100/МВт-ч, вместо $20-35/МВт-ч в 2015-2020, однако в 2011-2014 у них были похожие цены, вокруг $50/МВт-ч, и если учесть инфляцию доллара за 10 лет, то и не сильный рост, с начала 10-х. Поэтому они особо и не стонут, ни Тойота ни Хонда, ни прочие. В остальной Азии ценовая ситуация похожая, в том числе в Китае.
В Европе газ сейчас стоит порядка $70-100/МВт-ч, поставщики туда ориентируются на цены LNG в Азии, так как Европа конкурирует за него, и это раза в 2-3 дороже чем в 2011-2013, когда в Европе было порядка $30-35/МВт-ч, и раз в 4-5 дороже чем в 2015-2020, когда там было $15-25/МВт-ч. Поэтому для европейцев это изменение конечно чувствуется. Но ничего, японское производство и экспорт рентабельны при таких ценах, научатся и европейцы.
В Штатах газ сейчас порядка $20-25/МВт-ч, дешевле чем в 2008-2009, когда там было порядка $30/МВт-ч, но при этом он раза в два дороже чем в 2015-2020, с их $8-10/МВт-ч. Опять же, если брать инфляцию доллара за 10 лет, $30/МВт-ч в конце 00-х, то нынешние $20/МВт-ч это дёшево. Американские компании и тогда работали в мире конкурентно при тех ценах энергии, тем более сейчас. Американская экономика сильная, с большой долей интеллектуальной продукции, тем же Гугл-Эппл-Майкрософт-Боинг переварить почти любые цены газа, да запросто.
Японцы из JOGMEC приводят такие цифры.
Japan's average LNG import price of USD 10.13 in August 2019 was higher than USD 8.5 - 9.3 in other LNG markets in Northeast Asia and 2.2 times as high as the assessed spot LNG price in the region (JKM) for delivery in August (assessed between mid-June and mid-July) at USD 4.55. It was the largest gap ever between the two. Japan's average LNG import price in September 2019 was USD 9.62 and in October was USD 9.42. While the METI spot LNG price was USD 4.9 in September 2019 and was USD 5.4 in October 2019.
Assessed spot LNG prices (JKM) in Northeast Asia have been at the lowest level during the past ten years (effectively the lowest ever) at this time of the year since 23 October 2019. Notably on 30 October, the front-month JKM went down to below USD 6 per million Btu for the first time as that for December delivery in the JKM history. JKM for December 2019 delivery, which was on the first day as the new front-month on 16 October several dime higher than that for November delivery, stayed above USD 7 only from 17 to 21 October before its rapid decline. JKM for January 2020 delivery on the first day as the new front-month on 18 November 2019 was also assessed below USD 6. While Japan and China do not expect additional spot cargo demand as they have largely completed procurement for their winter gas demand, the market is expected to have ample LNG supply capacity in the coming winter.
Japan’s average LNG import price, which accounts for 70%-80% of long-term contracts linked to crude oil import price (JCC: Japan Crude Cocktail), is expected to continue to be affected by current crude oil prices.
Based on the preliminary figures from Japan's customs statistics of the Ministry of Finance, the country's average LNG import price in August 2022 was USD 19.88 per million Btu. Elsewhere in Asia, average import prices in August were USD 17.00 in China, USD 23.04 in Korea, and USD 24.60 in Chinese Taipei. Japan’s average landed crude oil import price (JCC: Japan Crude Cocktail) was USD 112.41 per barrel in August 2022.
Based on the preliminary figures from Japan's customs statistics of the Ministry of Finance, the country's average LNG import price was USD 22.73 per million Btu in September 2022. Elsewhere in Asia, average import prices in September were USD 17.81 in China, USD 28.26 in Korea, and USD 21.67 in Chinese Taipei. Japan’s average landed crude oil import price (JCC: Japan crude cocktail) was USD 110.79 per barrel in September 2022.
The assessed spot LNG price for near-month delivery to Northeast Asia, JKM declined to USD 36 per million Btu on 3 October amid stagnant activity in the Northeast Asian market, but on 6 October, JKM rose to USD 33 from USD 29 the previous day after Malaysia LNG declared a force majeure due to a pipeline leak, raising supply concerns. The following week, activity in the Northeast Asian market remained stagnant, hovering around the late USD 20s to USD 30 range. The week of 17 October showed similar price movements, although the price reached USD 33 on 21 October due to a temporary increase in buying interest. JKM generally hovered at USD 30 for the week of 24 October. JKM then remained flat at USD 30/MBtu until 28 October.
Japan, China, and Korea appear to have generally completed stocking up on LNG inventories for the winter season. Sporadic commercial activity was seen in the market, but buying interest was generally low.
Meanwhile the NBP price in the United Kingdom during October 2019 went up only slightly to USD 5.53 equivalent at the end of the month, still around half of the price one year earlier, reflecting continuous inflow of LNG and unseasonably high inventory in natural gas storage.
The Dutch TTF Gas Futures price was in the upper USD 40s to 50s range for the week of 3 October, but gradually began to decline the following week from USD 45.2 on 10 October to USD 41.6 on 14 October as European natural gas underground storage exceeded 90% and LNG supply became in excess. The following week, the situation remained the same, with TTF falling further in value, from USD 36.5 on 17 October to USD 32.4 on 21 October. During the week, the European Commission presented a proposal for emergency measures, including joint gas procurement and a price cap on the TTF. TTF showed a further downward trend during the week of 24 October, hovering in the late USD 20s to USD 30 range. TTF began to show a downward trend, as European natural gas underground storage has started to exceed 90%, and also due to the oversupply of LNG.
During the week of 24 October 2022 the discount of the UK gas price NBP to the TTF is USD 7s to 8s, down from the recent trend, falling further in value to USD 22.
While the Henry Hub price in the United States went up by USD 0.3 in October 2019 to USD 2.63 at the end of the month, it was still almost 20% lower than that of the same time one year earlier responding to the sustaining growth of natural gas production in the country.
The Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures price rose after reaching USD 6.5 on 3 October and reached USD 7.0 on 6 October. The following week, HH remained at the USD 6s level, but in the following two weeks, it turned down on the back of weaker demand due to a warmer climate outlook and a bullish production outlook, falling from USD 6.0 on 17 October to USD 5.0 on 21 October. The price remained at the USD 5s level for the week of 24 October.