Я всяко пробовал. Я в этот раз вроде бы ничего особо и не писал.У меня проходит примерно каждая третья
The following photos were not added to the database:
(Please read why below)
- APPEAL_20140410_z1396184560.1864img_9582_filtered.jpg (Russia - Air Force Ilyushin Il-76MD)
Size http://www.airliners.net/faq/rejection_reasons.php#size
Centered http://www.airliners.net/faq/rejection_reasons.php#centered
The following photos were not added to the database:
(Please read why below)
- APPEAL_20140415_f1396725830.8596img_4092.jpg (Russia - Air Force Antonov An-26Sh)
Grainy http://www.airliners.net/faq/rejection_reasons.php#grainy
Dark http://www.airliners.net/faq/rejection_reasons.php#dark