As the Boeing 737 MAX remains grounded, a new Senate investigation has launched and details of a federal grand jury have emerged, the latest in a series of probes looking into how the plane was certified and the problems that have occurred since.
Justice Department prosecutors have issued multiple subpoenas as part of a
grand jury criminal investigation, including one to a former Boeing employee requesting all "communications, including drafts, related to the Boeing 737 Max."
Сумеете самостоятельно перевести "criminal investigation"?
И еще "grand jury"?
Among the areas of focus for criminal investigators are the processes by which Boeing itself certified the plane as safe and the data it presented the FAA about that self-certification, the sources said.
FBI's Seattle office and
Justice Department's criminal division in Washington are leading the investigation.
Икто из них больший "трунов"? FBI's Seattle office или все-таки Justice Department's criminal division? А может grand jury?
Явное упущение со стороны grand jury, FBI's Seattle office, Justice Department's criminal division и Сената США. Не доложили Вам о начале уголовного расследования.