Расследование завершено Катастрофа самолета Боинг 737MAX Ethiopian Airlines 10.03.2019 - обсуждение

The AFDS is a dual system consisting of two individual flight control computers
(FCCs) and a single mode control panel.
The two FCCs are identified as A and B. For A/P operation, they send control
commands to their respective pitch and roll hydraulic servos, which operate the
flight controls through two separate hydraulic systems.
The AFDS is a dual system consisting of two individual flight control computers
(FCCs) and a single mode control panel.
The two FCCs are identified as A and B. For A/P operation, they send control
commands to their respective pitch and roll hydraulic servos, which operate the
flight controls through two separate hydraulic systems.
те самые PCU к которым с другой стороны привязаны тросики штурвалов вроде бы
Не управляет. В "ручном" режиме автопилот выключен.
Может вы имеете в виду Flight Control Computers? Так они не входят в состав автопилота
Varis, а вы не зануда?😉
Имею я ввиду именно их. Но объяснять всем и каждому логику работы системы управления А320 мне лень. Поэтому "автопилот управляет рулями даже в ручном режиме" это приемлемое упрощение.
Varis, а вы не зануда?😉
Имею я ввиду именно их. Но объяснять всем и каждому логику работы системы управления А320 мне лень. Поэтому "автопилот управляет рулями даже в ручном режиме" это приемлемое упрощение.
Упрощение - но ошибочное!
Потому что когда автопилот выключен - то он ничем не управляет!
Если в вашем сообщении слово "автопилот" заменить на слово "автоматика" - это будет правильное упрощение.
Последнее редактирование:
Упрощение - но ошибочное!
Потому что когда автопилот выключен - то он ничем не управляет!
Если в вашем сообщении слово "автопилот" заменить на слово "автоматика" - это будет правильное упрощение.
Ок. Автоматика. Согласен.
Касательно РВ на 737NG:


The pilot controls the elevators manually. The autopilot system controls them automatically.

Manual Operation - Control Columns

The pilot moves the control column forward or aft to control the pitch attitude of the airplane. The control column gives a mechanical input to the elevator power control unit (PCU) through cables and linkages to the input torque tube. The input torque tube gives input to the elevator pogos. The pogos give input to the elevator PCUs that use hydraulic pressure to mechanically move the elevator through the output torque tube.

When the control column moves, it also gives an input to the pitch control wheel steering (CWS) force transducers, and control column position sensors. The pitch CWS force transducers send signals to the flight control computers proportional to control column forces. The control column sensors send control column position to the flight data acquisition unit (FDAU).

Movement of the feel and centering unit also gives an input to the elevator neutral shift sensor. The elevator neutral shift sensor sends signals to the flight control computers (FCC) proportional to the relative position of the elevator and stabilizer.

Movement of the elevators also gives an input to the elevator surface position sensor and position transmitters. The elevator surface position sensor sends signals to the FCCs proportional to the elevator position. The elevator position transmitters send elevator position to the FDAU.

See the digital flight control system section for more information about the pitch CWS force transducers, the elevator neutral shift sensor, the elevator surface position sensor, and FCCs. (SECTION 22-11)

See the flight data recorder section for more information about the control column sensors, elevator position transmitters, and the FDAU. (SECTION 31-31)

Autopilot Operation

When you engage the autopilot, the autopilot system uses FCC inputs to control the autopilot actuators. When the autopilot actuators move, they give a mechanical input to the elevator PCUs.

See the digital flight control system section for more information about the autopilot. (SECTION 22-11)

Autopilot Operation - Mach Trim Actuator

The mach trim actuator moves the elevators to prevent nose down forces at high air speeds. The FCCs control the mach trim actuator. When the mach trim actuator moves, it gives a mechanical input to the elevator PCUs through the feel and centering unit.

See the digital flight control system section for more information about the mach trim actuator. (SECTION 22-11)

FCC Operation - Neutral Shift

The FCC controlled neutral shift function uses the mach trim actuator, through the feel and centering unit to move the elevator to a new neutral position. This gives more airplane nose up control during takeoff and landing.

Stabilizer Operation - Neutral Shift

The stabilizer neutral shift function causes the elevators to move when the stabilizer moves. When the stabilizer moves, it gives a mechanical input to the elevator PCUs through the mach trim actuator, and the feel and centering unit.

See the horizontal stabilizer trim control section for more information about the elevator neutral shift functional description. (SECTION 27-41)

Elevator Feel Computer Inputs

The elevator feel computer receives pressure from hydraulic system A and system B, pitot pressure from the pitot tubes, and mechanical input from the stabilizer.

The elevator feel computer uses pitot pressure and stabilizer input to control hydraulic pressure to the dual feel actuator in the feel and centering unit. The feel force of the feel and centering unit increases as the airspeed increases.

Elevator Tab

When the TE flaps are up, the elevator tab balances the elevator. As the elevator moves, the tab moves in a direction that is opposite to the elevator direction.

Elevator Tab Control Mechanism

When the TE flaps are not up, the elevator tab control mechanism changes the function of the elevator tab. This causes the elevator tab to move in the same direction that the elevator moves
Касательно стабилизатора на нем же:
The pilots control the horizontal stabilizer manually by the stabilizer trim wheels or electrically by the stabilizer trim switches. The autopilot controls the stabilizer automatically through the digital flight control system (DFCS).
Manual Operation - Stabilizer Trim Wheels
The pilots use the stabilizer trim wheels on the control stand to manually move the forward and aft cable drums. The aft cable drum moves the gearbox and jackscrew. When the jackscrew moves, the horizontal stabilizer moves. The stabilizer also gives a mechanical input to the elevator, through the neutral shift rods. Movement of the manual trim wheels also moves the stabilizer indicator pointer.
Electric Operation - Stabilizer Trim Switches
The pilots operate two stabilizer trim switches for main electric trim control. The switches are on the outboard side of each control wheel. The switches control electric input to the stabilizer trim motor and send signals to the flight data acquisition unit (FDAU). When the stabilizer trim motor operates, it moves the stabilizer gearbox. When the stabilizer gearbox moves, it moves the stabilizer jackscrew which moves the horizontal stabilizer. The gearbox also back drives the stabilizer aft and forward cable drums. Movement of the forward cable drum moves the manual trim wheels and stabilizer indicator pointer. Limit switches control the main electric and autopilot movement of the stabilizer.
See the digital flight recorder system section for more information about the stabilizer position sensor A and the FDAU. (SECTION 31-31)
Autopilot Operation
The DFCS gives electric input to the stabilizer trim motor. During autopilot operation, stabilizer trim motor operates at different speeds than during manual electric operation. Stabilizer position sensors A and B send signals to the flight control computers (FCCs) in the DFCS. Stabilizer position sensor A sends stabilizer position to FCC A and the FDAU. Stabilizer position sensor B sends stabilizer position to FCC B.
See the digital flight control system section for more information on the stabilizer autopilot operation, the FCCs, and the stabilizer position sensors A and B. (SECTION 22-11)
Column Cutout Switches
The column cutout switches stop the stabilizer trim motor when the pilot moves the control column in a direction opposite to the trim direction.
Stabilizer Trim Override Switch
The pilots use the stabilizer trim override switch on the aisle stand to bypass the column cutout switches if one or both fail.
Stabilizer Trim Cutout Switches
The pilots use the stabilizer trim cutout switches on the control stand to stop the main electric and autopilot runaway trim inputs to the stabilizer trim motor.
Flaps Up Switch
The flaps up switch controls the main electric operation speed of the stabilizer trim motor. The autopilot electric control of the stabilizer trim motor does not go through the flaps up switch.
Stabilizer Trim Limit Switches
The stabilizer trim limit switches limit the range of stabilizer motion.
В состав системы управления. Сомневаетесь - посмотрите FCOM, раздел Flight Controls.
На всякий случай напомню - чуток в сторону от темы ушли, за Аробус с Отто писали.
Я смотрю не в FCOM, это бледная выжимка по системам для пилотов. Настоящее описание систем самолёта находиться в AMM. И при чём тут Аэробусы? Насколько мне не изменяет склероз FCC там вообще нет, это у них по другому называется. А на Боингах, вообще на всех, кроме 777 и 787 FCC это часть автопилота. На 777 и 787 там названия другие.