Опять почти правда. Действительно, поведение деталей самолета при нагрузках выше расчетных (в смысле ultimate) рассматривать, как правило, не требуется. Но из этого правила есть три исключения (которые я знаю). Это параграфы 25.561, 25.721 и 25.963. Вот оно как получается - к интересующему нас параграфу ваше утверждение и не относится.
Я уже боле 25 лет работаю с документами и мне всегда нравилось, как легко можно переворачивать логику документа. Каюсь - в авиационные документы мне приходится заглядывать в последние годы очень редко (особенно в российские), но логика построения всегда одна - есть общие положения (в АП 25, я так понимаю, главы 2-3), применимые ко всему документу, если в конкретных параграфах не сказано иначе.
Что касается 25.721 - в EASA и FAA сидят не дураки и понимают, что требования в 25.721 слишком общие (их можно интерпретировать как угодно, вплоть до того, что ЛЮБОМ соударении шасси с землей повреждений быть не должно).
Как следствие, с 1999 года есть рабочая группа, которая изначально создавалась для изменения этого параграфа и связанных с ним, которая и генерит как этот параграф интерпретировать главы 25.721, 25.963 и 25.561.
Вот некоторые вариантам подготовленных требований по запросам на сертификацию:
Интерпретация полученная Airbus от FAA:
Section 25.721 to read as follows:
(a) The landing gear system must be designed so that when it fails due to overloads during takeoff and landing the failure mode is not likely to cause spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire
hazard. The overloads must be assumed to act in the upward and aft directions - in combination witll side loads acting inboard and outboard up to 20% of the vertical load or 20% of the drag load, whichever is greater.
(b) The airplane must be designed to avoid any rupture leading to the spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard as a result of a wheels-up landing on a paved runway, under the following
minor crash landing conditions:
(I) Impact at 5 fps vertical velocity, with the airplane under control, at maximum design landing weight, all gears retracted and in any other combination of gear legs not extended.
(2) Sliding on the ground, all gears retracted up to a 20° yaw angle and as a separate condition. sliding with any other combination of gear legs not extended with 0° yaw
(c) For configurations where the engine nacelle is likely to come in contact with the ground, the engine pylon or an engine mounting must be designed so that when it fails due to overloads
(assuming the overloads to act predominantly in the upward direction and separately predominantly in the aft direction), the failure mode is not likely to cause the spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard.
2001 год, EASA для Dassault:
Landing gear separation. (Compliance with 25.721(a) and 25.963(d)(4))
Failure of the landing gear under overload should be considered, assuming the overloads to act in any reasonable combination of vertical and drag loads, in combination with side loads acting both inboard and outboard up to 200/0 of the vertical load or 20% of the drag load, whichever is greater. It should be shown that at the time of separation the fuel tank itself is not ruptured at or near the landing gear attachments. The assessment of secondary impacts of the airframe with the ground following landing gear separation is not required. If the subsequent trajectory of a separated landing gear would likely puncture an adjacent fuel tank, design precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of fuel leakage.
Сертификационный базис для Learjet 75 EASA:
Protection against crushing and scraping action.(Compliance with 25.963(d)(3) and 25.721 (b) and (c)
Each fuel tank should be protected against the effects of crushing and scraping action (including thermal effects) of the fuel tank and surrounding airframe structure with the ground under the following minor crash landing conditions:
(i) An impact at 5 fps vertical velocity on a paved runway at maximum landing weight, with all landing gears retracted and in any other possible combination of gear legs not extended. The unbalanced pitching and rolling moments due to the ground reactions are assumed to be reacted by inertia and by immediate pilot control action consistent with the aircraft under control until other structure strikes the ground. It should be shown that the loads generated by the primary and subsequent impacts are not of a sufficient level to rupture the tank. A reasonable attitude should be selected within the speed range from VLl to l.25 VL2 based upon the fuel tank arrangement.
(ii) Sliding on the ground starting from a speed equal to VLl up to complete stoppage, all gears retracted up to a 20° yaw angle and as a separate condition, sliding with any other possible combination of gear legs not extended with a 0° yaw angle. The effects of runway profile need not be considered.
(iii) The impact and subsequent sliding phases may be treated as separate analyses or as one continuous analysis. Rational analyses that take into account the pitch response of the aircraft may be utilized, however care must be taken to assure that abrasion and heat transfer effects are not inappropriately reduced at critical ground contact locations. (iv) For aircraft with wing mounted engines, if failure of engine mounts, or failure of the pylon or its attachments to the wing occurs during the impact or sliding phase, the subsequent effect on the integrity of the fuel tanks should be assessed. Trajectory analysis of the engine/pylon subsequent to the separation is not required.
(v) The above emergency landing conditions are specified at maximum landing weight, where the amount of fuel contained within the tanks may be sufficient to absorb the frictional energy (when the aircraft is sliding on the ground)without causing fuel ignition. When lower fuel states exist in the affected fuel tanks these conditions should also be considered in order to prevent fuel-vapor ignition.
FAA от 2 октября 2014 года, оно же из официального сборника "2018 CFR Annual Print Title 14, Aeronautics and Space, Parts 1-59"
§ 25.721 General.
(a) The landing gear system must be designed so that when it fails due to overloads during takeoff and landing, the failure mode is not likely to cause spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard. The overloads must be assumed to act in the upward and aft directions in combination with side loads acting inboard and outboard. In the absence of a more rational analysis, the side loads must be assumed to be up to 20 percent of the vertical load or 20 percent of the drag load, whichever is greater.
(b) The airplane must be designed to avoid any rupture leading to the spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard as a result of a wheels-up landing on a paved runway, under the following minor crash landing conditions:
(1) Impact at 5 feet-per-second vertical velocity, with the airplane under control, at Maximum Design Landing Weight—
(i) With the landing gear fully retracted; and
(ii) With any one or more landing gear legs not extended.
(2) Sliding on the ground, with—
(i) The landing gear fully retracted and with up to a 20° yaw angle; and
(ii) Any one or more landing gear legs not extended and with 0° yaw angle.
(c) For configurations where the engine nacelle is likely to come into contact with the ground, the engine pylon or engine mounting must be designed so that when it fails due to overloads (assuming the overloads to act predominantly in the upward direction and separately, predominantly in the aft direction), the failure mode is not likely to cause the spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard.
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